Wichtige Vorteile einer Kinderkrankenversicherung in der Schweiz

Ein neugeborenes Kind in der Familie bringt Freude und Glück mit sich, dass es auch mehr Verantwortung in der Familie bringt. Für fast jeden Elternteil ist die Gesundheit seines Kindes eine der Hauptsorgen. Medizinische Notfälle sind unsicher und können jederzeit auftreten, daher ist es wichtig, dass ein Kind durch eine Krankenversicherung abgedeckt wird, um die unerwarteten Komplexitäten abzuwehren. Fast alle Kinderkrankenversicherungen werden entweder von ihren Eltern oder ihren Familienangehörigen abgeschlossen. Eine Kinderkrankenversicherung deckt alle Kosten im Zusammenhang mit medizinischen Behandlungen. In der Schweiz ist es notwendig, dass jedes neugeborene Kind innerhalb von 3 Monaten nach der Geburt des Kindes im Rahmen einer Grundkrankenversicherung versichert ist. Er ist verpflichtet, durch eine Krankenversicherung abgedeckt zu werden, um jegliches Gesundheitsrisiko zu vermeiden. Es steht den Eltern jedoch frei, eine Krankenversicherung und einen Anbieter für die Krankenversicherung ihres Kindes zu wählen. Angesichts der aktuellen Situation steigender Gesundheitskosten ist der Kauf einer Kinderkrankenversicherung der beste Weg, um die Zukunft Ihres Kindes zu sichern. Es gibt verschiedene Vorteile einer Kinderkrankenversicherung einige von ihnen werden im Folgenden kurz erwähnt:

1. Finanzielle Sicherheit und Sicherheit gegen teure medizinische Behandlungen Ihres Kindes

Für Eltern ermöglicht die Krankenversicherung eines Kindes ein gesundes Gefühl von Sicherheit und Sicherheit. Es stellt sicher, dass das Kind gegen alle möglichen medizinischen Chancen abgedeckt ist. Diese Berichterstattung erzeugt ein Gefühl des Schutzes für die Zukunft des Kindes.

2. Erleichtert Einsparungen gegen riesige medizinische Ausgaben

Eine Kinder krankenversicherung ermöglicht enorme Einsparungen bei den medizinischen Ausgaben. Es entlastet auch die teuren medizinischen Behandlungen Ihres Kindes und entlastet sie, indem es finanzielle Verpflichtungen und Ausgaben begrenzt. Es begrenzt die finanziellen medizinischen Rechnungen durch die Zahlung der aufgetretenen unsicheren medizinischen Kosten.

3. Bargeldlose Behandlungen für Ihr Kind

Eine Kinder krankenversicherung erleichtert bargeldlose medizinische Behandlungen. In solchen Vereinbarungen sind Sie nicht verpflichtet, einen Betrag aus Ihrer Tasche zu zahlen. Alle Gebühren werden von der Versicherungsgesellschaft berücksichtigt, wobei sie Vergleiche mit dem Krankenhaus treffen.

4. Kostenlose regelmäßige medizinische Untersuchungen für Ihr Kind

Eine Kinderkrankenversicherung bietet Ihrem Kind kostenlose regelmäßige medizinische Untersuchungen und Impfungen. Dies gewährleistet die Früherkennung gesundheitsbezogener Probleme und Krankheiten.

5. Deckt kritische Krankheiten Ihres Kindes ab

Sie bieten auch medizinische Hilfe zur Deckung kritischer Krankheiten Ihres Kindes. Falls Bei einer kritischen Erkrankung Bei Ihrem Kind eine kritische Erkrankung diagnostiziert wird, haben Sie Anspruch auf einen Pauschalbetrag für die medizinische Behandlung.

6. Bietet Ihrem Kind gute medizinische Einrichtungen

Eine Kinderkrankenversicherung ermöglicht gute medizinische Einrichtungen für die Gesundheitsversorgung Ihres Kindes. Diese Einrichtungen sorgen für eine schnelle und einfache Genesung Ihres Kindes. Je besser die Behandlung, desto besser wird die Genesung Ihres Kindes sein.

Der Hauptgrund für eine Kinder krankenversicherung ist, die beste medizinische Versorgung zu erhalten, ohne Ihre finanzielle Situation zu belasten. Ein Krankenversicherungsplan bietet Schutz vor enormen medizinischen Kosten. Neben der Finanzierung sorgt es für ein Gefühl der Linderung von stressigen medizinischen Notfällen.

9 terms you need to know before purchasing health insurance

Unexpected medical circumstances can lead your life under the guise of monetary burdens. Medical emergencies are uncertain, and the readiness for such a crisis is the first step in preventing a small calamity from becoming a major medical catastrophe. Health insurance is tied to some common terminologies that are very basic but essential for a long way. Therefore, before purchasing health insurance, it is very important to understand these terminologies in order to select the most appropriate plan. Here the terminology list below will give you a better understanding of the health insurance fund.

1. Insured

An insured person is a person or organization covered by health insurance over future medical uncertainties. Simply put, an insured person buys the health insurance.

2. Insurer

An insurer is a person or insurance company that assumes responsibility for the risk associated with health insurance. An insurer sells the health insurance.

3. Monthly bonuses

A premium is the amount that the insurance company bills for the selected plan. As a rule, premiums are calculated on a monthly basis, but they can be paid in different ways. The payment of the premium makes it possible to keep your health insurance alive. The premium amount is calculated mainly on the basis of policy coverage.

4. Deductible

It is the amount of the loss incurred by the policyholder of health insurance. It may be a certain amount or a percentage of the claim amount. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium charged to the insured person.

5. No claim bonus

No claim bonus or NCB is a rebate bonus offered to the policyholder if health insurance is not taken out at a given time. It serves as a reward that the policyholder receives because he does not take his health insurance.

6. Grace period

An additional period is a period granted to an insured for the payment of health insurance premiums. A period of grace is granted to the insured if he can not pay the premium fees even after the due date. Almost every insurance policy offers a grace period for insurance payments. It is important to note that the policy is still in effect during the grace period, and if anything happens to the insured, the candidate would still be eligible for benefits.

7. Elapsed politics

It is a policy in which the policyholder's entire medical benefit is terminated on non-payment of the premium amount on the due date or even after the grace period. In this condition, the insured person will no longer benefit from the insurance cover and will not be entitled to medical benefits.

8. Network

Network refers to a group of physicians, hospitals and other health care providers mandated to provide clients of the insurance companies services for less than their usual fees. The most important feature of a network is its extension. Provider networks can cover a large geographic market or a wide range of healthcare services. Insured persons generally pay less for the use of a network operator. It is advisable to check the health insurance area before purchasing.

9. Cashless claims

As the term suggests, the insured can undemandingly pay for the medical treatments in the network clinics. The medical costs for the entire treatment are charged by the insurance.

Before buying a health insurance, the buyer must know the above rates. A person can easily compare health insurance based on these conditions to choose the best available option.

A simple guide to buying health insurance for women

According to L'Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération Suisse (LaMal), anyone living in the country must take out basic insurance. Switzerland has a universal health insurance system with several health insurances on the market. Facing so many opportunities in the market to find women's health insurance, it can be a difficult task. Recently, due to changes in lifestyle and work patterns, diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, breast cancer, thyroid, ovarian cysts, hormone-related disorders have significantly affected women. Therefore, it is important to be covered by health insurance in order to be financially protected to combat such unwanted diseases.

The following guide can help you select the most appropriate policy for your health needs.

1. Find an insurer who has a simple claim procedure

A health insurance claim is a request from a health insurer to the insurance company to receive the medical benefits and benefits covered by his health insurance. This procedure, which requires the insurance company to use medical facilities, is called the insurance application procedure. Before purchasing health insurance, it is very important for an insurance buyer to review the application process. It is advisable to buy a policy that has a simple claim process to avoid future problems.

2. Check the network of hospitals under the

Network hospitals are the hospitals that work together to coordinate and provide a wide range of services to the policyholder of the insurance company. Before buying health insurance, it is definitely advisable to check for the network hospitals covered by the insurance. The broader the range of political networks hospitals, the better to use emergency medical facilities in an emergency.

3. Check if maternity protection

Maternity coverage is a plan to cover maternity and health costs for expectant mothers and their newborn children. As a rule, maternity leave is granted as an additional benefit with existing health insurance. For a health insurer, it is advisable to check maternity protection for future financial savings and profits.

4. Check for facilities before and after hospitalization

One of the most important aspects before purchasing a health insurance fund is the review of pre-and post-hospitals. These facilities are free and will be used during the insurance period. It is important that a political buyer inspects and uses such facilities.

5. Check for value-added services

In addition to health insurance, there are insurers offering free medical treatments and regular check-ups. Services like these make the policy more feasible for buyers. Such services also help in identifying a malignant disease event.

6. Check the experience of Vorkunde in the claims settlement

It is very important for a policy buyer to review the claims settlement experience of past clients. You can also read reviews from previous customers online to get more clarity about the company's claims settlement process.

Until recently, women were under their husband's plan to be dependent on health insurance, but with changes in society and more and more women in the working population, a series of health plans designed specifically for women with their needs. remain. Most of these benefits are similar to normal health insurance. When buying a policy specifically for women, attention should be given to comprehensive coverage, which includes women's issues and maternity benefits. Choosing the right health insurance is very important to ensure safety in case of medical emergencies.

Vorteile der Krankenversicherungsberatung in der Schweiz

Die sich schnell entwickelnde Marktdynamik und das sich verändernde Verbraucherverhalten haben in der Schweizer krankenkassesbranche einen rasanten Wandel gebracht. Die krankenkasses in der Schweiz hat verschiedene Elemente in der Wertschöpfungskette, unter Berücksichtigung von Ärzten, Patienten, Versicherungen und Krankenhäusern. Für einen gemeinsamen Bürger ist es schwierig und komplex, jedes Element des krankenkassesssystems zu verstehen. Um eine solche Situation in Angriff zu nehmen, ist die Beratung mit einem Marktexperten die beste Lösung. Die Beratung ermöglicht es dem Kunden, eine angemessene krankenkasses abzuschließen. Die Inanspruchnahme von krankenkassesberatung reduziert die Kosten und die Komplexität des Kaufs einer krankenkasses Es treibt auch Wert auf die Ausgaben des Kunden für eine krankenkasse. Die Inanspruchnahme einer krankenkassessberatung hat verschiedene Vorteile. Einige der wichtigen Vorteile sind unten aufgeführt

1. Hilft beim Erwerb einer angemessenen krankenkasse

Eine krankenkasse sorgt für Sicherheit und sichert gleichzeitig die finanzielle Absicherung durch medizinische Unsicherheiten. Einer der wichtigsten Vorteile der krankenkasse ist die Ermöglichung einer angemessenen krankenkasse. Die Beratung mit einem Marktexperten stellt den Kauf einer angemessenen krankenkassesicher, die es weiter erleichtert, eine maximale Rendite aus den Investitionsausgaben für das Gesundheitswesen zu erzielen.

2. Deckungsbasierte krankenkasse

Eine Diskussion über eine krankenkasse mit einem Experten gibt eine bessere Klarheit über die erforderliche Deckung. Die krankenkasse hilft dem Einzelnen, seine Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen an die Versicherungspolice zu ermitteln. Vor dem Kauf einer krankenkasse wird vom Experten empfohlen, verschiedene Policen zu vergleichen und die beste zu nutzen, die zu unserer Erschwinglichkeit passt. Dies stellt sicher, dass der Einzelne die beste krankenkasse nach ihrer Erschwinglichkeit kauft.

3. Transparenz

Die Teilnahme an einer krankenkassevor dem Kauf einer krankenkasse erleichtert die Transparenz der medizinischen Behandlung. Dies gewährleistet transparente und detaillierte Informationen über die Politik und die behandlungen, die von der Politik abgedeckt werden. Transparenz der Informationen führt dazu, das Vertrauen des Versicherungskäufers zu gewinnen, so dass es für jedes Versicherungsunternehmen unerlässlich ist, klare Informationen über den krankenkassesplan zu nutzen.

4. Effektive Beratung bei monetären Anlagen

Ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der krankenkasse vermittelt den Käufern der krankenkasseeffektives und subjektives Wissen. Ein Experte bietet den Käufern eine effiziente monetäre Anlageberatung, da sein Wissen im Bereich des Bereichs breit ist. Die Beratung eines Experten gewährleistet eine angemessene Rendite für geldwendendes Geld, das für die krankenkasse ausgegeben wird.

5. Klare und berechnete Angebote

Ein krankenkassesexperte informiert ausführlich über die krankenkasse. Es bietet ein klares Szenario aller medizinischen Einrichtungen, die in dem vom Versicherungskäufer ausgewählten Plan in Anspruch genommen werden. Es bietet auch die Möglichkeit der berechneten Angebote für die krankenkasse. Daher hilft die Beratung bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Klarheit bei der Nutzung medizinischer Einrichtungen.

Dies waren einige der wichtigen Vorteile einer krankenkassesberatung in der Schweiz. Diese Diskussion über krankenkasseen gewährleistet Transparenz, einen ordnungsgemäßen Informationsfluss und die Auswahl der am besten geeigneten Policen. Eine krankenkassesberatung hilft bei der fachkundigen Beratung, was und wie Ihre Versicherungsbedürfnisse befriedigt werden können. Es hilft auch einer Person, die perfekte Police und die Versicherung zu identifizieren.

In-depth Understanding the Benefits of a Family Health Insurance Plan

A medical emergency might strike any loved ones at any moment of time. Medical emergencies are uncertain in nature, but their effects are long-lasting in an individual's life. For an individual, the prime focus is the well-being and health of oneself along with its family members. In Switzerland according to the federal health insurance law LaMal having a health insurance policy is a mandate. Keeping the same in track, Health insurance​ providers in Switzerland have launched many plans for the benefit of the family members along with the individual at very affordable premium charges. These policies provide certain important benefits to the entire family, which are listed below:

1. The premiums are affordable.

If an entire family is covered under the same health insurance policy, it enables a bulk discount on each health insurance policy covered by a specific family member. Covering a family is a one-time investment that facilitates bulk buying of the insurance policy which leads to avail easy discounts and offers on the health insurance policy.

2. Coverage for the entire family

One of the most important benefits of a family health insurance policy is that it covers the entire family. It enables protection in the form of umbrella coverage to the entire family which facilitates each member with safety and security.

3. Every covered member gets high coverage

A family health insurance policy provides high coverage for every member of the family. This coverage enables huge claim settlements with big medical facilities. It is an additional advantage provided by the insurer to the family for the bulk-buying of their insurance policy.

4. It provides get tax benefits

Buying family health insurance enables huge savings on taxes. It provides tax benefits for the reimbursement of the policy. Comparatively, it facilitates huge savings on taxes for the insurance policy bought by the family.

5. It provides umbrella coverage

Having a family health insurance policy offers the benefit of covering the entire family under one insurance policy. Different family members are not required to buy several different policies it provides a one-stop destination for all health insurance requirements of a family.

6. Maternity coverage

In Switzerland, maternity coverage is allowed under most of the family health insurance policy. There are no out of pocket contributions or hospital fees. By law, basic health insurance covers free seven medical check-ups and two ultrasounds for all pregnant women.

7. You can change or add new members to the plan

A family health insurance policy enables the benefit of adding or changing any new members of the family. This ensures that all the family members are covered mostly health insurance providers in Switzerland agree to add up a new member than to change one.

Before buying a health insurance policy it is important for a family to check for the other aspect of the insurance provider like the claimed efficiency, duration of the claim, the cost of the premium charged. However, in Switzerland, it is important to compare various policies and providers to avail of the benefit of the best family health insurance available.

Benefits of a Health Insurance Policy for Young Individuals 

Health insurance is one of the most cost-effective ways to save your financial spending on medical expenses. Health insurance reduces unexpected financial burdens arising out of an accidental hospitalization or illness. Buying a health insurance policy is an important decision that requires careful and in-depth evaluation. While buying a health insurance policy a person is required to know its medical needs and coverages so as to ensure the right deals. It is easy to buy a health insurance policy, only if you approach it in the right way. The necessary requirement for a quality healthcare system has made it compulsory for everyone residing in Switzerland to be covered by a basic health insurance policy. Switzerland follows a universal healthcare system with multiple players in the market. Every health insurer comes with different policies and features to cater to the different needs of people. Health insurance policies also depend on the gender and age structure of a person. Health insurance policy for young individuals has several certain benefits compared to other age brackets. The following below-mentioned pointers describe the benefits of having a health insurance policy for the younger population of Switzerland.

1. Comes with a lower premium charge

Health insurance policy premiums are lower for young age individuals compared to old age individuals. As young age individuals are less likely to fall sick, most of the health insurance companies often offer health insurance plans at a lower premium rate to young individuals considering their good health.

2. Easy to get a health insurance policy

At a younger stage, it is easy to avail of a health insurance policy since the chances to fall sick are lesser and the premium charges would also be less. Since the insured is coverage from a younger age the main benefit for a young insured will be an easy claim for future uncertain occurrences.

3. You can enjoy the benefits of medical savings

In other words, health insurance is a kind of investment to cover yourself financially against unforeseen circumstances. If you invest at your young age, you will eventually develop the habit of savings. As inflation has a sharp impact on every sphere of our life, by growing the habit of savings you can cope up with this up to an extent.

4. You can avail the benefit of a bonus

A health insurance plan comes with an added bonus. One such bonus is the no claim bonus that is offered for not claiming the insurance plan. If a no claim bonus is offered as a discount on the premiums of consecutive years or as a hike in sum insured an individual can earn a maximum of no claim bonus and can make the best out of his/her health insurance policy.

These were some benefits of availing a health insurance policy for young individuals. Although, health insurance may differ from insurer to insurer. A person may find a variety of health insurance plans available to cater to different insurance needs. However, it requires thorough research of the market before zeroing down on a plan. Hence, it becomes vital to compare the different insurance online in terms of their offerings, premium or claim settlement ratio of the insurers.

Six Essential Tips to Compare Health Insurance Plans in Switzerland

A medical emergency is a natural phenomenon, which is uncertain in nature. It poses an immediate risk to a person's health and life. A risk that is related to an individual's life and health can never be controlled or stopped, therefore, it is important for an individual to cover its life by a health insurance policy. A health insurance policy also enables financial safety and security.

In Switzerland, there are various insurance providers which offer different policies. Comparing different health insurance policies and finding the best one is a difficult task. Enlisted below are a few pointers that can help make this process effective and efficient. One must surely go through these tips to make a corrective decision.

1. Check for the complete and correct details of the insurance provider

Before buying a policy, it is very important for an individual to check and verify the correct and complete details of the insurance provider. This verification of the insurance provider will help an individual to escape from any fraud-related activities. It will also enable a proper examination of the service provider in order to avail of the best health insurance coverage and services.

2. Focus on the amount of sum assured

The main focus of a health insurance buyer should always remain on the amount of sum assured. The assured sum should be based on the requirement of the individual. The amount of sum assured is directly connected with the coverage that an individual requires. The higher the sum assured wider would be the coverage of the policy. An individual should compare various sum assured and coverages of different insurance providers to select the best available option.

3. Keep in mind the factors that influence the premium

A premium is a monthly compensation that an individual pays in order to cover his/her life from medical uncertainties. A premium amount is definitely based on an individual's affordability. A health insurance policy buyer should always keep in mind the factors that influence the premium. It is advisable for an individual to avoid unwanted services so as to take reduce the monthly premium charges. Before buying a health insurance policy an individual should compare premium charges of different policy providers to select the best policy that suits the affordability of the policy buyer.

4. Check for the credibility of the health insurance provider

An individual should always check for the credibility of the health insurance provider since it is an important aspect of understanding the efficiency of the claim. Credibility also states the history and the present status of the insurance providing company.

5. Customer experience

For a health insurance buyer, it is also important to ask and read about the reviews of other customers of the same insurance company. The review and experiences of previous customers can enable a more clear scope of customer experience.

6. Find out the claim process

Before getting secure by the insurance provider it is very important to find out the claiming process of the insurance company as it would enable the effectiveness of the insurance provider.

These were some of the essential things that an individual should compare in a health insurance plan so as to achieve the optimal efficiency of the health insurance policy. For comparison, an individual should surely consider the above-mentioned pointer to avail maximum benefits from the health insurance policy.

4 External Key Factors that Drives the Rise in Health Insurance Premium

Presently the Switzerland Healthcare market is experiencing a continuous rise in the cost of medical expenditure. However, it is a mandate for every resident living in Switzerland to be insured by a basic health insurance policy. An individual covered by a health insurance policy is liable to receive medical treatments and facilities during the time of medical emergencies. A health insurance plan acts as a safeguard for medical uncertainties. Every year the insurance companies in Switzerland announce their premium charges based on some important factors and considerations. These factors are liable to increase or decrease the premium charges. Comparatively, over the years the premium charges in Switzerland have seen a continuous steady increase.

In Switzerland, laws regarding health insurance are looked over and governed by the Switzerland Federation of Law. The federation tries to limit and control the charges of health insurance premiums in the country. They maintain a strict policy regarding the health insurance premium charged by the companies to the citizen. The charges are controlled in order to avoid the exploitation of customers. A health insurance policy covers charges for medical treatments such as doctor's fees, ambulance charges, hospital rent, etc. A health insurance premium is mostly depended on the wideness of health insurance coverage, apart from the coverage there are other different external factors that affect the premium charges. The main 5 key factors driving the rise in health insurance premiums include:

1. Medical and technological progress

With every passing year, medical companies in Switzerland brings in new technologies in the market with improved facilities that make the cost of the medical treatments expensive. Moreover, improved technology remains high in demand by the customers for a better treatment option.

2. New and expensive medicines

Medical companies continuously keep introducing new formulas in the market. Newly developed medicines are expensive in nature as their formulation is newly introduced in the market. New and improved medicines are generally expensive in nature. Therefore they are one of the most important external key factors which drive a rise in the health insurance premium.

4. Greater life expectancy

With better medical treatments and medication, the life expectancy of an individual in Switzerland has increased widely. The pollution-free and clean environment of Switzerland is also one of the reasons to increase the life expectancy of an individual living in Switzerland. Based on increased life expectancy in Switzerland insurance companies have started to charge higher health insurance premiums.

5. Constantly increasing expectations of policyholders, who want to draw more and more benefits

Often a policyholder goes to the doctor, takes medication, needs care or undergoes surgery, the higher the benefit costs and this ultimately has an impact on health insurance premiums. These services that are often used by the policyholder does increase the premium charges.

These were some of the important external factors that contribute to increasing the amount of health insurance premiums. However, the authority keeps an ideal view on the premium charges so as to make buying health insurance affordable to all. The Switzerland government also provides subsidies to middle-low income group individuals for buying health insurance premiums.

How to Buy a Health Insurance Policy Online in Switzerland

The costs of medical expenses are increasing on a regular basis making it really difficult for an individual to manage medical care expenses. This cost includes charges like doctor's visit fees, hospitalization charges, diagnostic tests, ambulance charges, etc. Since medical emergencies are unpredictable in nature buying a health insurance policy has become essential to deal with the increasing cost of medical expenses. A health insurance policy takes care of all the health care expenses within the permissible limitations of the policy.

In Switzerland, it is compulsory for all its residents to have a basic health insurance policy. The premium charged on the policy depends on the location of the resident. Basel, Zurich, and Geneva are some cities where premiums are charged higher. In this age of buying things digital, an individual can compare health insurance policy online and avail the benefit of hassle-free insurance service at the comfort of his/her home.
Buying a health insurance policy online enables reducing the dependency on insurance agents. Buying policy online also provides a wide base of knowledge to the buyers of the policy. Presently today there are many online health insurance providers who offer a vast range of health insurance. Apart from the wide base of knowledge, there are many other benefits of buying a health insurance plan online, it enables to avoid long queues and waiting time. It also provides transparency of information by opting for convenience. You can easily buy a health insurance policy online by following a few simple steps:
1. Visit an insurance comparing website
For comparing policies online you can visit different Swiss health insurance websites and login to select a policy that matches your requirements. You can also take assistance from the website executive to enable you a policy that well suits your needs.
2. Enter the required details
After login, you are required to enter your details regarding your name, age, gender, annual income, etc. These details are mandatory in nature.
3. Compare the policies and their coverage online
Compare the available policies and check for their coverages. Opt for a policy that well suits your coverage. It is important to check for the wideness of coverage as benefits of the policy are avail as per the coverage limit of the policy.
5. Share accurate information
While buying a health insurance policy, it is required for an individual to share accurate information. An individual should provide exact information to the insurer any false information can result in rejection of the claim.
6. Calculate and compare premium charges
After comparing policies, coverages and providing all the essential pieces of information an individual should now calculate and compare premium charges to select the best policy.
7. Make the online payment
After selecting the policy a person can now make the payment online for the policy and avail the benefits of it. You can make the payment through various sources cash, card, transfers, etc.
8. You are insured now
After the payment for the policy, you are now insured and covered for all the medical emergencies.
Comparing policies online is a standard benefit for a policyholder. Following these steps can help an individual to select a health insurance policy online. It also enables guidance for an individual to choose the proper coverage and premium charges for availing optimal efficiency from the insurance policy. 

Understanding Cashless Health Insurance Plan in Switzerland

It is compulsory for every resident living in Switzerland to have a basic health insurance plan. A health insurance policy is a great source of support during medical emergencies. It reduces the financial burden and ensures an easy and peaceful recovery of the policyholder. When an individual purchases a cashless health insurance policy, it facilitates coverage for pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization. The coverage, however, differs from policy to policy and from provider to provider.

The selection of buying a health insurance plan is very simple. It starts with knowing your needs. It is very important to evaluate the needs of an individual since health conditions differ from person to person. After evaluating the needs it is advisable to compare different policies, their coverage, and their premiums. Various health insurers have variously diversified plans that offer a wide variety of plans to select from so it is required for an individual to compare different policies and select the best policy which suits the evaluated needs. The process of buying a policy also includes researching the insurance provider. The number of years a company has been in the insurance business is worth considering. For better evaluation of policies and providers, it is also important for an insured to check for the total sum assured, minimum entry age and renewal clauses.

There are many other advantages of a health insurance policy. It ensures free regular medical checkups, no claim bonus, transportation charges, room rent, and many other benefits. A cashless health insurance plan also provides the benefits of cashless network hospitals. A cashless network hospital functions just like a non-partner hospital. It provides free cashless medical facilities to the policyholder. The insured member can visit the nearest network hospital and avail medical treatments without paying any charges to the hospital. A cashless network hospital also includes benefits like room rent, admission charges, treatment cost and ambulance cost. Another most important thing about the insurance that the insured must check is the efficiency of the claiming process. There are mainly two types of health insurance claim which an individual can choose.

  1. Cashless claim process

When the insured individual provides their health insurance details to the respective hospital, the insured person becomes liable for receiving the benefits of the insurance policy. After the discharge of the policyholder, the hospital will forward the medical bills to the insurance providing company. The company will audit the expenses and settle the outstanding payment due to the hospital. This process is hassle-free in nature. The medical bill is settled between the hospital and the insurance company where else insured is not involved in this claiming process.

   2.     Reimbursement claim process

In this claiming process, the insured individual is involved in paying the incurred medical charges after which the medical bills are shared with the insurance company for medical settlement between the insured and the insurance company. The hospital bills would be settled as per the insured sum amount opted by the individual during the time of purchasing the policy.

Selection of the claiming process depends on the policyholder and the insurer. Mutual agreement between the insured and the insurer enables easy efficiency for claiming funds. The process mentioned above ensures a proper selection of the right cashless health insurance policy in Switzerland. These were some important concepts which a policyholder should know before buying a health insurance plan. 

Seven Important Factors that Affects Your Health Insurance Premium

Health insurance is a medical insurance policy that assures financial coverage for medical expenses when a policyholder is hospitalized. Under the health care law in Switzerland, it is mandatory for all its residents to be covered under a basic health insurance policy. There are various health insurance plans readily available in Switzerland to cater to every aspect of an individual's medical needs. Health insurance policy comes packed with various features that assist an individual in managing expenses during medical emergencies. An individual pays a fixed amount of money called premium in exchange for these features for a certain interval of time to ensure that the policy remains in force. This premium is calculated based on certain important factors in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of the service provider. It is essential for a policyholder to know the factors on which the premium cost of their insurance policy is based upon. Below discussed are the important six factors that affect an individual's health insurance premium.

1. Age

Age is one of the major determinants of the health insurance premium. The cost of the premium varies based on the age of the policyholder. It is advisable to buy a health insurance policy at a younger age since the cost of the insurance premium is low for younger applicants.

2. Gender

Gender is another factor that impacts the cost of the insurance premium. The cost charged to females is comparatively lesser than the premium cost charged to male applicants. The cost of the premium is charged less to females due to the lower risk of stroke, heart attack, etc. Therefore, Gender plays a major role in calculating the premium charged.

3. Medical history of an individual

Medical history is another major determinant of the health insurance premium. Almost all the insurance companies in Switzerland make the pre-medical tests mandatory (after a certain age) before selling a health insurance policy. While some health insurance companies don't make medical screening mandatory but do consider your current medical conditions, lifestyle-related health risk and medical background of the family.

4. Lifestyle

Lifestyle plays an important factor in considering premium charges. If an individual smokes or drinks regularly, chances are high that the individual will be charged a more premium amount. An insurer can reject an individual's request if there are any hidden disclosures regarding lifestyle.

5. No - claim - discount

If an individual does not make any claim during the policy term, then the policyholder can earn no - claim - discount which also plays an important factor that is taken into consideration while calculating the cost of the premium.

6. Type of health insurance plan

The type of health insurance plan an individual selects also affects the cost of the premium. The higher the risk involved the higher will be the premium charged. This also applies vice-versa lower the risk involved the lower will be the premium charged. With the help of an insurance calculator, an individual can compare the price for different plans.

7. Policy term

The premium price for a three-years policy will be comparatively less than the premium price of a one-year policy plan. However, almost all insurance companies offer a discount on long term medical insurance plans.

These were the seven important factors on the bases which a health insurance premium is calculated. You can calculate your insurance premium and purchase the best available plan which suits your needs in the best possible way.

Important types of Health Insurance Policies available in Switzerland

Health insurance plans are dynamic in nature. There are various branches of health insurance. Since an individual has different needs, each branch is designed to keep a particular need in mind. Each plan aims to fulfill the various needs of an individual. A health insurance plan helps an individual to share the financial risk associated with health. It is very important to select a plan which suits the requirement and affordability, as the premium charges depend on the required coverage of an individual. Therefore, it is essential to compare and select the best type of health insurance plan which suits an individual's preference. Below are some important types of health insurance plans available in Switzerland:

1. Individual health insurance plan

An individual health insurance plan is a policy purchased by an individual for himself/herself. This health insurance plan covers the medical costs incurred on an individual's life. This plan, thus, covers the costs for only one individual for a single sum insured. Individual health insurance policy is suitable for single individuals who do not have any dependents.

2. Family floater health insurance

A family floater health insurance covers the entire family in one plan. A family may include policyholders, spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents. The premium is charged on the basis of members covered, all the family members can use the sum insured jointly or independently.

3. Group health insurance plan

A group health insurance plan can be bought by a group for covering its members. Groups like employer-employee groups, trade unions, club members, etc. can avail of a group health plan. A single health insurance policy is issued which is called the master policy. The policy covers all the members in the group under a single sum insured. The premium charges are paid by the group itself or by its members jointly.

4. Senior citizen health insurance plan

Senior citizen health insurance plan is suitable for individuals who are above the age of 60 years. This plan is specifically designed for senior citizens who cannot be covered under normal health insurance plan. The premium charged under this policy is affordable and it includes coverage like joint replacement surgeries, cataracts, and other age-related treatments.

5. Disease-specific plans

These plans are suitable for individuals who are suffering from a particular ailment. It specifically insures individuals who are suffering from a particular disease. Disease-specific plan cover treatments and hospitalization arising out of the covered illness.

6. Critical illness plans

Critical illness health plans cover major illnesses which include extensive complicated treatments and are heavy on the pockets. This plan covers a set of major illnesses which include heart disease, cancer, dengue, etc. The premium charges are affordable and It pays the sum insured in a lump sum when you are diagnosed with any covered illness. It is suitable for every individual who is going through critical illnesses.

These were some important types of health insurance policies available in Switzerland. Insurance policies depend on the needs and requirements of an individual. A person can opt for a plan which best fits its requirements.

Benefits of Comparing Health Insurance Policies Online

Before purchasing a health insurance policy, it is required to do proper research and comparison because you are investing your valuable money in the plan. It is important to select a plan which suits your pocket and requirements.

Health is one of the significant factors in a person's life which cannot be neglected in any condition. In the case of health insurance policy, the concern is not only money but your health as well. Every person has different requirements when it comes to a health insurance policy, therefore, the insurance providers have introduced so many variants of the health insurance policy. Therefore, it becomes essential to compare health insurance policy before buying them.

Most of the time people end up buying a health insurance policy that does not match their needs and requirements and also does not result in any benefit when required. Therefore, it becomes essential to compare health insurance policy before purchasing them and maintain benefits out of them. It is important to select the best policy on the bases of coverage, facilities, claims and requirements. It is essential to be aware of fraudulent insurance deals offered so that you should not get cheated while buying a policy. It is important to invest in a deal which will result in a comprehensive claim coverage along with huge benefits.

The below-mentioned points explain the benefits of comparing health insurance policies online:

1. Multiple options

One of the biggest benefits of comparing policies online is that it showcases a number of insurance companies and policies to choose from. Comparing policies online helps an individual to sort out the best policy as per his/her requirement. Online comparison offers a wide range of policies and providers which is not possible by traditional insurance purchase.

2. Affordable

Comparing various health insurance policies and providers enables an individual to choose a plan which is affordable. Comparing policies online makes premium comparison easier which ultimately makes the purchased policy affordable.

3. Extra benefits

Health insurance comparison enables you to achieve several extra benefits. These extra benefits can not be gained if using traditional channels for purchasing insurance. This comparison of online insurance portal helps to check what are companies offering additionally to customers.

4. Time-efficient

Online health insurance comparison is an efficient way of comparing policies online as it saves the user time for providing every required information. It is more effective compared to the traditional method of buying insurance. Comparing health insurance online allows policy comparison within just a few clicks. It is a task of a few minutes which will give you the required necessary details. It acts as a real-time information provider.

5. No long queues or waiting

In online comparison, a customer is not required to do any physical visits to any insurance company or agent. A customer can take benefit of this facility from the comfort of his home. He/she is no longer required to be in a long queue to get health insurance information.

These were some of the few important benefits of comparing health insurance policies online.

Guidelines to select a Budgeted Health Insurance Plan in Switzerland

In Switzerland buying a health insurance policy is a must. In case of medical emergencies, a health insurance policy offers financial assistance to the policyholder for medical care. It also helps in covering critical illnesses and treatments.

Health insurance policy is an important plan for an individual's healthcare. Though for an individual paying a heavy amount on insurance premiums can be difficult. In such a situation, opting for budgeted health insurance is a good decision. Besides choosing the best health insurance plan it is also required to choose a plan that comes in your budget.

A budgeted health insurance policy enables an individual to cover himself/herself with a lower premium. It offers financial freedom to an individual from medical expenses, without disturbing the existing financial situation. Buying an expensive insurance policy, where the affordability that costs your savings, is not the ultimate goal of a health insurance plan. Although the importance of buying the best insurance plan cannot be overlooked. Unnecessary coverage can increase the cost of insurance premium, however, with an efficient health insurance plan, you can easily save the cost spent on insurance premium.

The mentioned below guidelines will enable an individual to select the best-budgeted health insurance plan in Switzerland which will suit your pocket and requirements.

1. Annual income

It is important for an individual to buy a policy that matches its annual income. An individual should buy a policy which is neither under nor overvalued of its income level. Affordability plays an important factor in buying a health insurance policy as it depends on an individual's capacity to pay the premium.

2. Premium

For a budgeted health insurance plan it is essential for an individual to make sure that the premium is affordable. At times individuals buy expensive life insurance cover which calls for a higher premium payment, however, this can create a problem in the future in case you lose your ability to arrange for a higher premium.

3. Cover from unexpected medical expenses

For a budgeted health insurance policy, it is important for an individual to check the efficiency of the plan. The plan should be adequate enough for easy medical claims.

4. Extensive cost coverage against medical expenses

An individual should compare various policies to opt for a plan that covers extensive cost against medical expenses with an affordable premium. Comparing various health insurance policies and providers available in the market enables the selection of the best plan as per the requirement of the individual.

5. Short term and long term financial goal

A family or individual has financial goals that need to be met in the near future. While buying an insurance plan, an individual should make sure that the premium and the cover is well aligned with the long and short-term personal goals.

6. No-claim bonus

A no-claim bonus is a great advantage to secure budget health insurance. When an individual has a claim-free year, he/she can enjoy either a discount on the premium or additional benefits on the plan. No claim bonus is a great way to make your insurance more affordable.

These are a few ways to buy the best health insurance in your budget.

Five Ways to Select the Right Health Insurance Cover in Switzerland

The healthcare sector in Switzerland is regulated and governed by the Swiss Federal Law. According to the Swiss Federal Law called LAMal, it is compulsory for every citizen residing in Switzerland to have basic health insurance. LAMal aims to ensure high-quality healthcare for everyone. Buying an insurance policy is compulsory in Switzerland, the government of Switzerland ensures subsidies for those who cannot afford basic health insurance. The government of Switzerland also keeps a check on the cost of insurance charged by the insurance providers. The federal law of Switzerland ensures that the insurance providing companies don't charge an excessive amount of money to the policy buyer. As per LAMal, it is important for a Swiss resident to select a good policy with better coverage so as to minimize the expenditure spend on healthcare and maintain health quality index in the country.

Apart from being a compulsory law, health insurance is an essential buy in the present times of ever-soaring medical expenses. As the medical expenses are increasing drastically, one single hospitalization is enough to wipe out all your life's savings. With a health plan, you can bear these costs to some extent. The reason you need a health plan is quite evident. Below are the best six ways following which a person can select the right health insurance cover:

1. Need assessment

Before buying an insurance policy it is important for an individual to check his/her medical needs and requirements. This needs assessment will enable proper guidance for the policyholder as to which policy he/she should purchase.

2. Compare different policies and providers

The second way to select the right health insurance cover in Switzerland is to compare different policies and providers. Before buying a health insurance plan it is required to know the best options available in the market. By comparing the plans you can avail all the benefits at a comparatively cheaper premium rate.

3. Choose the coverage amount smartly

The coverage amount is the maximum amount payable in the event of a claim by the policyholder. The coverage amount is also known as the sum insured and the sum assured. It is always advisable to go for the plan that offers maximum health coverage and maximum amount for the treatment to ensure a sufficient amount to deal with medical inflation. Therefore for an individual, it is important to choose the coverage amount smartly to deal with future uncertainties.

4. Check for claim settlement efficiency

The claims settlement process is one of the most important aspects of a health insurance policy, The efficiency of claim settlement is very important as it ensures financial assistance to the policyholder. In a medical emergency, the efficiency of a claim settlement can enable smooth monetary assistance to the policyholder.

5. Consider Network hospital

It is also important to consider the list of network hospitals covered in an insurance policy. There is no point purchasing a plan if you are struggling to find an associated hospital to avail the cashless benefit. Therefore, it is important to consider a policy which has maximum coverage for network hospital.

These were the five effective ways to select the right health insurance cover in Switzerland.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Health Insurance Policy in Switzerland

Buying a health insurance policy is the first step for preventing any medical uncertainties in life. Uncertainties are unpredictable one never knows when a medical emergency will occur.

Having a health insurance policy provides us with the best chance to shape our lives in extreme medical emergencies. A health insurance policy provides monetary protection to an individual from the unforeseen risks of life so that financial worry is the last thing on mind.

Few important factors that are considered before buying a health insurance policy in Switzerland are listed below.

1. The efficiency of the claims process

Before buying health insurance you need to learn about the claim process. If the process is not efficient in the case of a medical emergency it can bring big hindrance. An individual needs to learn about the claim process whether it is simple or not. The efficiency of the claiming process should be well researched before buying the policy from an insurance provider. It requires to compare various policies and providers before selecting a company which is efficient for the claim process.

2. Medical facilities

Before buying a health insurance policy it is important to check the various medical facilities covered in the policy. Under a health insurance policy, an individual can avail some of the best medical treatments for a speedy recovery. Therefore it is important to check the available medical facilities covered under the policy.

3. Medical expenses

Medical treatments are expensive in nature, even a minor medical treatment can cost a lot of your savings. Having a health insurance policy can provide a compensate assurance for medical expenses.

4. Network hospitals

There are various hospitals associated with the health insurance provider that enables a wide range of options to choose from. It is important to foresee various hospitals covered under the policy.

5. Pre hospitalization

Before buying a health insurance policy it is important to check for pre-hospitalization coverage- a medical expense charged before the hospitalization of an individual. Under this coverage, the expenses incurred before hospitalization of an individual is covered which benefits the policyholder with cashless treatments.

6. Post hospitalization

Similarly, post-hospitalization is a medical expense charged after the hospitalization of an individual. It is required to calculate the post-hospitalization charges to measure the cost covered by the insurance provider.

7. No claim bonus

Many insurance providers offer no claim bonus if the policyholder has not lodged any claims. In such a scenario either the cost of the premium is decreased or the sum insured is increased.

8. Free medical check-ups

It is important to look for a health insurance policy that entitles policyholder for free medical check-ups which in future prevents an individual from diseases.

9. Lifetime renewal

This factor ensures lifetime validity of health insurance. It is important to look for a policy which has lifetime renewal since it will not require any age limit for the policy to end.

These were some important factors to be considered in Switzerland before buying a health insurance policy. Considering the above-mentioned factors will surely enable an individual to select the right policy.

A Complete Guidance for Getting Health Insurance in Switzerland

Switzerland healthcare system is ranked as one of the best healthcare systems globally, the government of Switzerland requires all individuals residing in the country to have a basic health insurance. Throughout the globe, the healthcare system in Switzerland has a high class reputation. Any individual living or working in Switzerland is required to purchase a health insurance policy. Under compulsory healthcare policy in Switzerland, buying health insurance can become costly.

The cost of the insurance premium depends on the location where you live. The premium charges also depend on the policy and the policy provider. Basel, Zurich, and Geneva are some cities where premiums are charged higher. Depending on the location of the insured, some medical expenses are tax deductible. Across the country, if the medical cost of an individual exceeds 10% of its income, the individual is liable for tax deduction on health insurance premiums. Health insurance premiums may be deductible up to a certain amount for low income groups. Therefore it is important to ask for a tax confirmation by the insurance provider. The below mentioned guide will enable you to understand the health insurance system in Switzerland. It will also help in understanding the basic medical coverage required for health insurance.

All individuals residing in Switzerland are free to choose whichever health insurance policy and provider they want from the list of government-authorised companies. The Swiss government ensures that companies don't take advantage of customers by regulating insurance through the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance (LaMal). The basic requirement for a health insurance policy is that it must cover treatment in the case of illness, accidents, and pregnancy. It must also cover the stay in hospital, home visits by doctors, nurses or specialists. Coverage should also extend to prescribed services, like physiotherapy, nursing care, occupational therapy and nutritional counseling.

Switzerland ensures proper healthcare facilities for all individuals. The government mandates that every individual intending to reside in the country must be covered by health insurance within three months of their arrival in the country. If an immigrant fails to sign up for health insurance, as a penalty the government may charge a higher premium than the original cost. It is easy to sign up for a health insurance by comparing and selecting an insurance provider online or by visiting their office. For enrollment, the company gives an application form that has to be filled by the insured. After the documentation, depending on the policy and the provider, a monthly premium is charged to the insured. Further the health insurance provider gives a health insurance card which works as a pass for every medical visit or treatment. This card should be accompanied by an insured for medical claims. Furthermore, there are various insurance providers available in Switzerland for an individual to choose from. Some of the popular Swiss health insurance providers are Swica, Assura, and Agrisano.

With world-class universal healthcare, Switzerland is surely a great choice if considering for relocation abroad. These were some of the important guidance required to be known about the Swiss healthcare system.

Six Ways to Keep Health Insurance Affordable

In Switzerland, health insurance is governed by a federal law called LAMal. This law aims to ensure high-quality health care for everyone. Under this law, it is compulsory for everyone in Switzerland to have a basic health insurance policy. The cost of the health insurance premium is paid by the insurer itself and for those individuals who come below the line of income, premium charges are paid by the government. As per the budget presented in 2016, the Swiss Canton of Vaud spent 15.6% of its total budget on healthcare - a total of CHF 1.4 billion or around CHF 1,900 per person.

In Switzerland prices and plans of health insurance policy differs from place to place. From a financial point of view, paying the lowest possible premiums for compulsory health insurance is generally a good move. Health insurance policy ensures financial safety and assistance to the insurer from a medical crisis. It provides risk-sharing security to the insurer regardless of all their health-related outcomes. Below are the six best ways to keep health insurance affordable.

1. Compare different policies and plan

It is important to compare different health insurance plans and policies to know about the best plan that suits an individual. A person can opt for a health insurance policy which suits his/her requirement. Comparing various health insurance plans and policies can help in selecting the best available option for the insured. It is important to overview different policies to look for wider coverage at a lower cost.

2. Budget your health insurance cost

It is very important to budget your healthcare costs. It is required to keep a record of your spending on healthcare. It is important to take up a policy which covers frequently required needs. Budgeting the cost also enables high savings and low expenditure on cost.

3. Cut down unnecessary medical appointments, test or procedure

Cutting down unnecessary cost can also keep health insurance affordable. Apart from the required treatments, cutting down the unnecessary cost incurred on medical appointments, test or procedure can save high on monthly insurance premium.

4. Negotiating costs of services and discounts

It is important to ask for discounts and schemes since most insurance providers offer different affordable plans and schemes. It is essentially required by an insurer to negotiate on the cost of the health insurance service offered.

5. Regularly check medical bills

It is required to keep a track of medical expenses regularly to check the amount spent on medical bills. Regularly checking the bills ensures a record for the money spent on medical expenses.

6. Check for health insurance subsidy

It is essential to check for health insurance subsidy to lower down the monthly premium paid by an individual. Insurance subsidy helps an individual to ensure a normal deduction on the cost of monthly premium spends on the health insurance policy.

These were the six important ways by which an individual can keep health insurance affordable. Following them will surely make the best value of money spent on health insurance.

Top Five Health Insurance Comparison Sites in Switzerland

The health insurance system in Switzerland is acknowledged for being one of the best insurance systems in Europe. Health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland; by birth or within three months of taking up residence there. Health Insurance is an agreement between an insurance company and an insurer. This agreement enables a guarantee of compensation for medical expenses by the insurance company to the insurer in case of any medical illness faced. The health insurance policy usually covers expenses like doctor consultation fees, medical test charges, hospitalization cost, and sometimes post-recovery charges to some extent.

According to FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority), Swiss insurance companies achieved aggregate annual profits of CHF 10.6 billion in 2018, which represents a 40% increase over the year 2017. The Swiss insurance market is growing with every passing year. Although there are many healthcare insurance policies and schemes available in Switzerland, it is difficult to select the best insurance policies as all insurance companies provide a similar type of insurance plan with different premiums. Hence, a comparison of the policies is required before buying any policy. It is very important to compare policies before buying them to find the best policy which ensures maximum coverage with a cheaper premium. The websites mentioned below are the top five health insurance websites in Switzerland that provide customized insurance plans along with comparisons between health insurance policies to achieve the personal health insurance requirements of any individual.

1. Gute Krankenkasse

Gute krankenkasse provides insurance quotes for personalized policy for free. It customizes the policy requirement as per the need of the customers. It also provides consultation to its customers with the assistance of its skilled insurance consultants. They also assist in selecting policies while ensuring a wide range of options to select from. They even suggest a special model (standard, family doctor model, telemedicine) suitable to the customers as per their requirements.

2. Moneyland

Moneyland provides a wide range of personalized insurance policies to compare from. It ensures comprehensive information about any health insurance policy. A buyer can find every information about the policy right from the average wait period before reimbursement to the claim payout method. It also provides an online calculator to calculate the premium charged.

3. Anivo

Anivo assures the right insurance policy to its customers. It provides instant comparison and easy access to various insurance policies. The customers can easily compare insurance policy online, take personal advice from Anivo experts and finally buy the insurance policy.

4. Krankenkasse Vergleich

Krankenkasse Vergleich offers a wide range of insurance policies. It provides an easy online calculator to check the incurred premium. It also provides a range of insurance plans for different requirements. It offers a comparison of specific health insurance plans for adults, youth, and children.

5. Health insurance Switzerland

Health insurance Switzerland provides instant health insurance comparison with no obligation. It ensures a wide choice of insurance with great flexibility and coverage.

These are the top five health insurance comparison sites in Switzerland that provide the best in-depth comparison of a wide variety of health insurance plans and packages. You can check out the individual sites to see which one fit into your needs the best.

Anna Ruth - Insurance blog
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